• Cassandre, Founder and CEO

    - "My job is to make sure that my staff doesn't find out that I'm paid much more than they are"

  • Cassandre from Marketing

    - "I spend all day tracking cookies 🍪"

  • Cassandre from Accounting

    - “Welcome to the accounting department, where everybody counts.“

  • Cassandre from Shipping

    - “I found the secret ingredient to a good joke. It's all in the delivery.”

  • Cassandre from Product Design

    - “Be careful about what you say about the colors I chose… or at least use a good tone”

  • Cassandre from HR

    - "👆 you get a raise

    👈 and you get a raiiiiiise

    and you get a raiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiise 👉"

  • Cassandre from Safety and Quality control

    - "Safety first or hospital next. Call me when you make your choice."

  • Cassandre from Manufacturing

    - “Nothing's like hands in old plastic to find the meaning of life”